For all of my Illuminations Subscribers...the annual 2024 forecast foreshadowed ALL of these events...
Aloha Substack Family!
I’m writing today to share some more details and helpful information about the crazy chaos in the collective. If you are an Illuminations Subscriber you know that I declared 2024 as the year of REVELATION, and also RENEWAL and REBIRTH.
And wow has it been that! And more!
As you have probably noticed, many people are becoming more tense, more chaotic, more desperate and more negative, as more and more truths are revealed in the collective.
Royal family deaths being hidden, social credit system in Canada, hundreds of millions of deaths from the gene therapy “vaccine,” war in the Middle East, transgender agenda being revealed with many doctors speaking out against mutilation surgeries, millions of undocumented men swarming the borders, Boeing being under fire for multitudes of safety issues being called out by whistleblowers, the false charges against Donald Trump, men pretending to be women as handlers of bots like Obama and France’s Macron, and really SO. MUCH. MORE.